Sunshine pediatrics

Why You Want to Get Your Child’s Flu Shot Early

Sep 30, 2024
Why You Want to Get Your Child’s Flu Shot Early
Flu season is just around the corner. Getting your child’s flu shot early can help bolster their immune system, prevent severe illness this fall and winter, and give you peace of mind, too.

The influenza or flu virus is one of the most common upper respiratory infections. Anyone can catch the flu, but infants and children are particularly at risk, because of their growing immune systems. Most flu cases are mild, but the virus accounts for more than 20,000 hospitalizations annually in children 5 and under. That’s a scary statistic, but getting your child’s flu shot early can help.

At Sunny Hill Pediatrics, Dr. Jung and our caring team administer various childhood vaccinations, including the seasonal flu shot. Here, we explain why getting the flu shot early can provide peace of mind and protect your child’s health. 

What is the flu shot?

The flu shot, or influenza vaccine, is a preventive measure that stops the influenza virus in its tracks. Specifically, it trains your child’s immune system to identify the flu virus and create antibodies that fight off the disease.

The flu shot won’t necessarily prevent your little one from getting sick, but it can significantly reduce the risk of severe outcomes like hospitalization and death. At the same time, vaccination reduces the spread of disease, protecting your family and the community.

4 reasons to get your child’s flu shot early

Flu season doesn’t officially start until October, but there are several reasons it’s a good idea to schedule your child’s flu shot early, including:

1. Your child might need more than one shot

If your child is between 6 months and 8 years old and they’ve never received a flu shot, they might need two separate doses. Since the doses are given at least four weeks apart, scheduling your child’s flu shot now can ensure they’re fully vaccinated by the end of October, when the risk of infection kicks into high gear.

2. It takes time to develop flu antibodies

After immunizations enter the body, it takes several weeks for the immune system to produce antibodies. Antibodies are blood proteins that look for and defend against harmful microorganisms, like viruses and bacteria. Since it can take up to 14 days or longer for these antibodies to start working, the sooner you schedule your child’s flu shot, the better.

3. School is back in session

Now that school is back in session, your child is in close contact with other people. School and daycare settings provide an optimal environment for the flu to spread, and if your child isn’t protected, they may bring the virus home. Scheduling a flu vaccination now can reduce some of this risk and help your child stay healthy throughout the fall and winter.

4. Children with weakened immune systems are susceptible to severe side effects

Kids with chronic illnesses and weakened immune systems are more likely to experience severe flu-related side effects than those without. The Sunny Hills Pediatrics team recommends scheduling an early flu shot if your child has:

  • Asthma
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • A congenital heart defect
  • Brain or nervous system disorders
  • Allergies

Scheduling your child’s flu vaccination now can bolster their immune system and help them stay healthy.

Does my child need a flu shot if they got one last year?

Yes. Scheduling an annual flu shot is crucial, regardless of whether your child has received one in the past. Why? We’ve learned that the flu virus constantly evolves. 

Drug manufacturers develop a new flu vaccine every year based on the most prevalent strain of the virus. At the same time, the number of viral antibodies in our bloodstream decreases over time. An annual flu shot restores these levels, so your child is better protected.

Contact Sunny Hill Pediatrics today if your child or teen needs to schedule their annual flu shot. Call the office in Frisco, Texas, or click the online booking feature.